
Punk Kid

This is what I called him. I know, not very missionary of me, but this kid really got under my skin. He's the kid you had to watch to make sure he didn't steal the temporary tattoos. He's the kid you have to watch while people are taking pictures because he's likely to be giving “the finger” to the camera. He’s the one that goes around popping all the other children’s balloon animals. And when a group is passing out candy, he comes back again and again because his mom's sister's cousin's baby's uncle didn't get any.

This kid is really hard to love.

So it really cracked Spencer up when last Sunday he came to Spencer needing help studying for an upcoming English test. He needed to pass this test in order to pass 4th grade and enter into 5th grade when school starts next week. Spencer knew just the right person to help tutor him.

His name is Jorge, and to be honest I never really tried to learn it before he came over to the house last Monday. We worked together for a couple hours. We agreed to get together again on Tuesday. Well, a little while later he came back and explained that his test was in the morning! I asked him if he wanted to study some more and he said, 'yes'. So we worked together for another hour.

During our time together I came to find that Jorge is a lot like me. I’m sure I look like a punk to Jesus at times. I’m constantly looking out for myself, trying to get away with breaking the rules. However, He chooses to see me through a filter of grace. I am so thankful that God has extended His perfect grace to me.

When we were finished he wanted to pray for his test. This is where I love that he doesn't speak English. I can pray for him, out loud. Pray for his test, for his heart, for Jesus to be REAL to him; and he doesn't have a clue what I am saying.

Then this punk kid actually asks if I have any candy. He says he gets nervous taking a test and it will help calm his nerves. Well, who can resist an argument like that? And, apparently I am a sucker for punks.


Mac Attack said...

Molly that is so awesome! God is so good to teach us... well teach us anything! well i love yall so much and keep letting God move in and through you.

Love Josh McArthur

beth said...

I guess you are kind of the punk missionary type.....we need more like you my friend. What a beautiful story.

Jen said...

I loved reading that, Molly!

deleise said...

So beautiful, Molly. What a blessing you are!